"The Art of Strategy"
Throughout our tenure together as chiefs of the Army, Navy and Air Force, the three of us enjoyed a good, collegial relationship. But there were inevitably times when gnarly challenges, events or environments called for a “Strategy Session”. A Strategy Session would fall at the end of the day, behind the closed door of one of our offices, and it would always involve a Single Malt and a good old-fashioned talk – part problem solving, part relief-valve.
Toward the end of our time as chiefs, we thought it would be fun to capture the essence of one of these sessions, but in a way that might also be a “leave-behind” to be of some benefit. Te Kiwi Māia immediately came to mind – a charity of great relevance and value to us, and one with a gnarly challenge of its own, as a small number of passionate believers worked hard to create something wonderful from scratch.
The Art of Strategy was born from this idea to throw a bit of fun at ourselves as we looked back on our time together, while also hoping to make a contribution at a personal level to a charity that has our utmost respect and support. - Andrew Moon